I've been thinking on the incoming pi-cross yesterday. At current speed it's not out of the cards within 2-3 weeks. But to be honest, all other potential top indicators and onchain developments don't point to that fast a top. The soonest I can think of when looking at the whole picture is mid-to-end May. So pi-cycle is something to keep an eye on but I guess I'm going to discount its significance this time.

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Consider Pi Indicator as another tool to add to your toolkit. As these rise in significance we'll pull them out, take a look, and then contemplate whether "this time is different" and also look at the other tools we've been piecing together.

I caution placing too much weight into any single indicator. Which is why I'm introducing so many indicators as of late. I'm preparing us for later when we need to question where we are at in a cycle.

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Sure Ben, good point! Just to note, I've been playing with these for the last couple of years. I'll be looking forward to your further updates.

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This is great. and Scary

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Any link or resource for readers to track this on their own? Thanks 🙏

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You can actually pull up the indicator in tradingview. Just hit the "fx" button and add an indicator. Type in "Pi Cycle" and you'll have several to pick from.

Then if you want, you can likely set an alert for when they cross... this way you get an email/text the day it happens.

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