Our John Wick of crypto along Jarvis team provided another great input! thanks once again for all the hard work! you guys almost make it simple and were ready to drop or pops without panic or fomo. thanks once again!

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hey Ben,

if been missing the posts of you. reading them gives me a lot of joy. you guys bringing by far the best analyses and big picture view out there in the crypto space.

you got a great style of writing, you bringing in a philosophical spice, you are able to explain complex data related stuff in an entertaining matter and you can boil down the on chain details to easy take aways.

i m following glassnode, crypto quant and others, but your material is the best. loving it and your content giving me a good guidance and understanding. you guys are nailing it.

thank you very much!

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Great update Ben, thank you.

Not sure we need to touch the lower cylinder bound before heading higher though. Take ETH/BTC from June '19 to June '21 for reference. Massive Livermore accumulation cylinder but only two touches on the lower bound. The third one didn't quite get there to touch and only reached out 2/3s.

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Well(p), we've gone lower. Kudos to Jarvis

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Thank you for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving

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Thanks for the update, appreciate the effort making these public articles. I will keep an eye on telegram/twitter 👀

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Learning so much stuff with your analisys 👍 welcome back 🙏🙏

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Thanks Ben! Interesting analysis... Every time you appear, you have some new data chart :)

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Cheers Ben :)

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